
The Koren Sacks Siddur – A Hebrew/English Prayerbook, Standard Size

Original price was: $31.95.Current price is: $27.16.


The Koren Siddur – English and Hebrew Edition

Special Offer from the Orthodox Union

Regular list price $31.95 for the Siddur
You pay only $27.16 (U.S. orders only)

Completely typeset anew for maximum clarity and
legibility, The Koren Siddur comes with the heritage
of the venerable Koren Publishing House, whose
Biblical and liturgical texts are indisputably the most
accurate and to many the most beautiful.

It comes, too, with the poetic and inspiring translation
and illuminating commentary of Chief Rabbi Sir
Jonathan Sacks, the outstanding teacher of English-speaking
Jewry today. Dimensions: 8.25 x 5.5 inches.