
The Koren Mesorat HaRav Kinot

Original price was: $27.95.Current price is: $23.75.



Experience Tisha B’Av with the Rav
The Koren Mesorat HaRav Kinot:
The Lookstein Edition
The Complete Tisha B’Av Service
with Commentary on the Kinot by 
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Price: $27.95 / NOW $23.75 Hardcover, 826 pages ISBN 978 965 301 2493Download a Sample of the Kinot with the Rav’s Commentary

Watch: An interview with Rabbi Simon Posner, the editor, and Rabb Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, the translator of the Kinot

Register for Rabbi Weinreb’s Tisha B’Av program

The Koren Kinot Mesorat HaRav provides the complete Tisha B’Av Service and an exceptional commentary on the Kinot by the Rav. His insights and analyses of the themes and contemporary significance of Tisha B’Av are complemented by synopses of related shiurim by the Rav, a new English translation of Kinot by Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, and an eloquent English translation of the tefilla by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. The Rav’s commentary is based on Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter’s compilation and redaction of transcripts of the Rav’s Tisha B’Av learning sessions. Edited by Rabbi Simon Posner; co-published by OU Press and Koren Publishers Jerusalem.

  • Commentary – Hundreds of insights collected from the Rav’s writings, recorded lectures and students’ notes, some appearing in print here for the first time.


  • Translation – Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb’s exquisite new translation of Kinot and Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ acclaimed translation of the Siddur


  • Reshimot – Synopses of Rabbi Soloveitchik’s lectures on the halakhic themes of Tisha B’Av


  • Typesetting – Koren’s clear and aesthetically pleasing fonts and intuitive layout


  • Halakhot – Explanations of the laws of the Three Weeks, Nine Days and Tisha B’Av


The Rav has given us the opportunity to understand and appreciate these piyutim for what they are, profound statements of Jewish philosophy, strikingly original interpretations of Scripture and Midrash, keen observations on the Jewish condition, and powerful expressions of emotional intensity.—Rabbi Simon Posner, editor of the volume

Read About It In Jewish Action

• Mourning the Churban with the Rav

• Kinot: The Language of Loss


• Foreword (PDF) by R. Menachem Genack

• Reflections of a Tisha B’Av Shiur Given by the Rav (PDF) by R. Haskel

• Reshimot: The Prohibition on Wearing Freshly Washed Clothes During the Week
that Precedes Tisha B’Av

Download a Sample of the Kinot with the Rav’s Commentary